The wall of eggs
The Egg Box Shop, near Cromarty
Forget The Ashes – last weekend I ticked off an even more thrilling Bucket List ambition: a visit to the egg vending machine!
I think I first heard about The Egg Box Shop on Susan's blog, when she spotted it on a day out in Cromarty. It's located on a farm where the chooks roam free and produce award-winning eggs for the local community. The farm owners came up with the idea of having a vending machine so they could sell direct to the public, 24/7.
I love a good vending machine. You can't beat the gadgety joy of pressing a button... bleep! You win a prize! Even though you paid for it. So yes, totally worth a 40 mile round trip for the novelty of vending machine eggs.
Behold, the WALL OF EGGS. There were small, medium, large and even double yolkers!
I filmed Gareth making our purchase. I was so eggcited that I forgot to turn my phone into the horizontal position, hence the really annoying crop.
Please note the slow and methodical way he puts the coins into the machine. He chops onions in this same manner and every time I have to bite my tongue from saying, "Shove over and let me chop before we starve to death!".
This vending machine is particularly awesome as the little doors gives one a small insight into how it must feel to have a safe deposit box at a bank. But instead of bars of gold and top secret documents you get eggs! Delicious, tasty eggs.